# Setup
# Run
# Line-breaks
In config.toml
the goldmark renderer should be configured for hardWraps = true
to simulate the same behavior as the Obsidian editor.
# Companion tools
# Obsidian-quartz-sanitizer
It’s very useful to use the Obsidian-quartz-sanitizer to convert my obsidian vault to a quartz vault automatically. I have modified this script in two ways:
- Return the pure text if the link does not link to a valid file. Previously it would link to “None”
- Return the pure text if the link links to a private note, by checking the path of the note linked to.
I also wrote a bash script to automate the conversion between my synced Obsidian vault and the Quartz content folder.
# Comments
Sometimes it takes a while for the links and graphs to work correctly when loading the website after launching a new version. Despite them being setup correctly. I guess the backend JS takes a while. Searching for an item always works correctly though.