# Plugins
DataView seems like a very useful tool to setup
Vim support, custom
# Autocomplete in Obsidian
Yeboster’s autocomplete
According to
Tadashi’s Autocomplete is better than Yeboster.
Latex in Obsidian
# Vault Management
Can backup vault using any backup service, however git has been recommended a few times. This is one example of a tutorial.
# Links vs Tags
Found this guide on links vs tags.
- Links link to a specific entity and can create the entity if it does not exist from before.
- Tags can be hierarchical and are implicitly counters.
- Links can have aliases like this: Obsidian-test
# Companion tools
Should consider using
raindrop.io together with Obsidian as a bookmark manager.
Quartz let’s me publish Obsidian notes online on a website.
# Synchronization of notes
Have been using Jottacloud so far, however I should use Resilio Sync instead, once I have my NAS fully setup.This lets me get better real-time synchronization and get local access on my phone to the notes.
Since the previous note I have switched to Syncthing as an open-source alternative to Resilio Sync.
# Tutorial
Obsidian tutorial
# Publishing
Quartz can be used to publish the notes to a website.